4th of July Hunter Derbies

Because what is more American than going to a horse show, right?

Well...maybe a lot of things. But this Fourth of July, the Foxboro crew ventured to Stable View Farm in Aiken, SC for their monthly hunter/jumper schooling show. Much like the show at Highfields we went to back in May, this was another opportunity for us to expand our horizons during the off-season...except this time, instead of the jumper ring, we went back to my roots, the hunter ring, and competed in their 2'6" Hunter Derby (with prize money!!)

Now, 2'6 is not particularly challenging, especially when they are minimally decorated and a straightforward course, and we had no trouble jumping the jumps...it was in between and around the jumps where our (really, all my) issues were. We managed to eek out a fourth place, but only because the two other riders that no doubt would have out scored us, were eliminated for various reasons, so hey, fourth by elimination. I'll take it. At the end of the day, Madison (Madison Avenue has been deemed her 'show' name) is still and will always be the best ever, and I love her from hoof to head and everything in between.

Lessons learned from today:

1) Trying to make rollbacks like one would in the jumper ring do not fly in the hunter ring. Especially when the ring is much smaller. It will only end badly.

2) Courtesy circles. Courtesy circles. Establish rhythm and pace. Rinse and Repeat.

3) It is not proper to go 'wheeeeee' when you take a semi-long spot, right in front of the judge. That does not earn bonus points, as fun as it may be.

4) Red, White and Blue never goes out of style. #America

Now, to the photos! Quality isn't the best after pulling them off a phone video, but it's better than nothing! 
