Enter at A, Working Trot, halt, wait what?
Yes, you read correctly. I did indeed make a return to the dressage ring after about 8 years, even though we are (now) less than a week away from Opening Meet, and on Bedford, no less. We went out to Bay of Plenty Stables in Washington, GA for their Fall Combined Training Event/Show, which proved to be a low key way to do something a little different and a lot fun. Now, before ya'll start thinking we were out there galloping around some Novice/Training/Prelim course at a recognized Horse Trial, we were most definitely not doing so. I think the fastest we went was a mild canter during our stadium/XC round when Bedford decided he wanted to attack the little 2' coop that they had out there....what a fox hunter! The dressage test was Intro B, and we schooled it exactly one time, in a snaffle bit (because rules). A snaffle would be a challenge normally for us, since his bit of choice is a low ported kimberwicke or a two ring elevator (depending on what we're doing) so that a...